Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Google Chrome uses IE login information

Does Google chrome uses IE login settings and information?

No… that would be crazy, right?

But – how else would explain this strange behaviour:

I have a SharePoint site that supports anonymous login. I have IE open and logged in to the site as user A, and in the site the is a tasks list that does not allow anonymous users to view items.

When I opened chrome and browsed to the site home page – as expected, I was still anonymous to the site. But as soon as I hit the link to the tasks list – it logged me in as user A, without even asking for my credentials!

So, Google chrome does not ask for login information? Does it share the login information with IE? This is kind of troubling if true, as so far I used several browsers to make sure I get isolated sessions and logins.

So, I opened IE internet options –> security settings and forced IE to work in anonymous mode only:

Now, when I open Chrome and try to access that list it prompts me for user name and password before it logs in.

Am I the only one surprised?

Monday, November 22, 2010

Speaking Engagements 2011

My 2011 speaking engagements are posted below,
If you are around – come see me!
If you were in one of my sessions, you can find links to the session code and presentation below. Also – if you have any comments on my session – feel free to post it here!

January 29 2011 - SharePoint Saturday Hartford - All about the SharePoint Ribbon for developers
January 31, February 2 2011 - SharePoint Summit 2011 Toronto - All about the SharePoint Ribbon for developers

February 1 2011 - SharePoint Summit 2011 Toronto - Upgrading customized solutions in SharePoint from 2007 to 2010
April 21 2011 – Markham .NET user group - All about the SharePoint Ribbon for developers
October 29 2011SPS Twin Cities – Introduction to SharePoint Development using VS2010 and SP2010, Developer’s guide: how to enhance your SP performance: Understanding caching
November 5 2011SPS RichmondAll about the SharePoint Ribbon for developers
January 7 2012SPS Virginia Beach – Session unknown… (technically this is a 2012 speaking engagement…) – Cancelled due to other obligations. Sorry I couldn’t make it!

See you there!
( my 2010 speaking engagements page: Speaking engagements 2010 )

Monday, November 8, 2010

Using jQuery in SharePoint 2010? Here is something you didnt expect!

If you are planning or using jQuery JS library in SharePoint 2010, there is one thing you didn't plan - for sure.
The $ sign from jQuery library is conflicted with the $ sign used in SharePoint JS - only in picture library "thumbnails" view.
Meaning, your code will not work if it has a picture library thumbnail view web part.
A wrong solution would be to append your JS to the end of the page - do this and your code will work, but the thumbnail view will stop working!
The solution for this is rather simple and annoying,
All you have to do is rename the $ sign into something else, like myJQ.
To do this - add this simple line of code at the end of your jQuery JS file:
var $jq = jQuery.noConflict();
and use $jq instead of $.
Note: you should use your own unique key instead of $jq.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Custom List Ribbon Button dont show up on home page

Today I found a strange behaviour,
My custom list and library ribbon buttons were working find within the list page, but as soon as I added a list view web part to the home page or any other web part page - the custom buttons were gone!
Only the OOB buttons were available.

After some fishing aroun the code I learned that the list view property "Show Toolbar" had something to do with that. Once I changed it to "Full toolbar" my custom buttons were available!

Strange though, since the other OOB ribbon buttons appear all the time... well, what can you do?
