Monday, July 26, 2010

All about the SharePoint Ribbon for developers

Hi all,

I have recently finished working on a new session for developers that I am scheduled to deliver on several user groups and SharePoint Saturdays.

I thought it might be a good idea to post the power point and source code samples online for you to be able to use these samples in your own projects.

This power point and source code includes detailed information on how to customize and manipulate the SharePoint 2010 server ribbon.

The target audience is experienced SharePoint developers.

Note: there is a readme file in the visual studio 2010 project with a script on what's in the source code and how to demo it.

Feel free to comment on the materials here, or if you've attended the session - comment on how did the session go.

I strongly suggest downloading the file rather than viewing it online, you can find it here (to download use the menu at the bottom left):

(Sample source code is embeded in the power point file, so you have to download it to get it)
Thanks, Shai.
=~=~=~=~=~=~=~   Update   ~=~=~=~=~=~=~=
I moved this session to prezi format, source code still inside slide share PPT, but I think the slides part is better in the new format:

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