Friday, June 23, 2017

SPFx workbench certificate error in Chrome after v58

Anyone using the workbench in chrome either already noticed or will very soon that the workbench is no longer working as of update 58 of chrome.

If you use the local workbench - no problem. you will see a clear certificate error, and you will be able to proceed with an "unsafe" certificate.

But, if you try to use the online workbench (at /_layouts/15/workbench.aspx ) things will be a bit more tricky...

See, you won't get a certificate error right away. Instead your online workbench (which is on your SharePoint site's certificate, which is perfectly valid) will load up correctly and will show the message as if you are not running gulp serve:

Why? If you open the dev tools you will see under network that all the requests to localhost were blocked due to the same issue with the bad certificate.

There are 2 things you can do:

Temporary fix:

Browse to the local workbench in chrome, select to proceed with the unsafe certificate. This will allow chrome to access your localhost.
Now, your online workbench should also start working as expected.
This should last until you close your browser.

Permanent fix:

It seems a new certificate was created that works with Chrome, as a part of the "sp-build-web" npm package v1.0.1
(Thanks Ian, @iclanton read more here)

SPFx GA points to v1.0.0 which doesn't include the new certificate.

To make the fix permanent, here are the exact steps I took (after a lot of tries and other variations that just led to more trouble...):
  1. edit package.json and change ONLY the sp-build-web version to 1.0.1 (Not to the latest, as gulp serve will stop working if you do)
  2. delete node_modules folder (npm install will fail if you don't delete the entire folder)
  3. run npm install
  4. run gulp untrust-dev-cert (you should be prompted to delete a certificate)
  5. run gulp trust-dev-cert (you should be prompted to install a certificate)
  6. run gulp serve
Now, your local or online workbench should work as expected.

This took way longer than I expected, since any single different thing I tried resulted in either a broken project or npm install failure...

Good luck!

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