Monday, March 22, 2010

Feature * for list template * is not installed in this farm error

So I got this error few times now I thought it is about time to post on it.

I always fall for the same "trap", I get this error when trying to access the list.Forms collection, which is useful for getting the display, edit or new form of a list or library.

But - if some one happened to delete, move or rename one of the default forms of your list - you will get this exception trying to get to this collection:
"Feature * for list template * is not installed in this farm error"

So, keep that in mind and call this collection in a try catch block, and feel free to display this error message in the "catch" block:
"Don't delete built-in list forms!"

What you should do it add new custom forms and redirect to them - but never touch the default ones in SharePoint Designer!

Good luck to you guys,

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